Healthy Futures Next Steps for COVID-19 Response

In these times, you often see companies making statements about how their customers’ health and safety is their priority. We do not doubt the sincerity of any of these messages, but we thought we would take it a step further and offer this “behind the scenes” look at how Healthy Futures has been reacting to the coronavirus pandemic.

Early on, as the pandemic spread rapidly in countries such as Italy and Spain, we formed our three-member “COVID Response Team,” to be ready with an action plan if the infection began spreading rapidly here.

When that did happen, we initiated Phase 1 of our COVID-19 Response Plan: shifting all Intensive Outpatient Programming to virtual services. Phase 1 also included an extensive deep cleaning schedule at our physical building, and following other procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which includes twice daily sanitizing of surfaces. We have also set up two indoor air purifiers for the building that work through HEPA filtering.

Meantime, our COVID Response Team researched daily, following infection rates, and met weekly to continue monitoring this spreading disease, and formulating our next steps. We also sent our patients an extensive survey, asking for their valuable input about how and when they foresee an eventual integration back to in-person programming.

The response was amazing! And we value everyone’s ideas and feelings.

You see, our patients’ EMOTIONAL health and safety is also our priority!

Healthy Futures is now transitioning into Phase 2 of our COVID-19 Response Plan.

Our teen patients, who feel comfortable and exhibit no COVID-19 symptoms, are welcome to join group in person on Wednesday, Sept. 9 and Sept. 23. Teens who aren’t comfortable with this step can continue participating online, as before. We also are increasing the availability of some providers for in-person individual sessions, if both provider and patient desire this.

This is our first step into transitioning to Phase 2. We continue to offer ALL programming virtually, and so for many patients, nothing is changing, yet.

Other options we are researching and considering include: Utilizing our outdoor space for some of our programming, installing “air scrubber” technology within parts of our air conditioning systems, using a UV handheld wand to sanitize surfaces, and installing breezeway windows in strategic places to increase fresh airflow.

As always, we will inform our patients directly by email, and through our website and social media, when any other changes are planned. As a reminder, wearing masks remains a requirement in all common areas while at Healthy Futures for all patients and staff, and social distancing will continue to be in place throughout the pandemic as our guideline in keeping others safe.

Here’s to everyone’s safety as we continue on this journey to a Healthy Future!