Emotional Eating Intensive Outpatient Program (EEIOP)

All too often, people can develop an unhealthy relationship with food. Instead of eating to nurture the physical body, “emotional eaters” fall into the trap of using food in attempts to regulate feelings.

At Healthy Futures, we fully understand the underlying reasons for emotional eating, and we are proud to offer a program that specifically deals with those reasons.

This group is for all genders, ages 18 and above.

What to Expect

Our Emotional Eating Intensive Outpatient Program (EEIOP) helps you start a healthy and happy relationship with food, and helps you change unhelpful behaviors around food, such as yo-yo dieting.

Meeting two nights per week, our EEIOP offers amazing support including:

  • Coaching
  • Group and Individual Therapy
  • Exercise Support
  • DBT (dialectical behavior therapy)
  • “Mindful meal” Experiences
  • Individual sessions with a nutrition specialists

Be a part of a community that truly understands these struggles and can help you toward your Healthy Future!

Call Us: (480) 451-8500

Don’t just take our word for it…

I always thought my struggles with emotional eating and binge eating were because I wasn’t disciplined enough. And after seven years of fighting myself, the food, and the shame spiral of “being good,” and then spiraling head first into the pantry because, “F- it! I’m going to eat everything I can, and I’ll just be better tomorrow,” I realized maybe my problem wasn’t discipline. Maybe my problem was my relationship with food, my inability to manage emotions without food, and how I viewed myself.

I joined healthy futures at my rock bottom – hopeless, and thinking that nothing was ever going to work for me.

I’ll never forget leaving my first group, with tears in my eyes, thinking, I have hope. EEIOP changed my life. Not only is the staff at Healthy Futures amazing, welcoming, and so kind, they automatically helped me feel like I wasn’t alone or crazy. The way the program is built, it is meant to give you the skills for a lifetime of food freedom, and it absolutely has for me. Food is now something that gives me life, rather than takes away from it. And I could not be more grateful and recommend this program more.

Thank you Healthy Futures for helping me get my life back, but more importantly – getting me back!

Emotional Eating Intensive Outpatient Program

Program Schedule

EEIOP Sessions meet two to three days per week, which will depend upon the individual needs of the patient. Individual sessions with nutrition professionals, and with your counselor, will be scheduled individually with those providers.

Available times include:

  • Tuesday: 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Call us at (480) 451-8500 to ask questions or to get started.

Frequently asked questions

Is the Emotional Eaters IOP right for me?

Our comprehensive assessment process is the best way to tell, but generally, our EEIOP is designed for those who have tried many other ways to manage food and weight challenges, but who are now ready to explore the emotional reasons that underlie those old patterns, and who want an effective path forward.

Is the EEIOP appropriate if I’m considering bariatric surgery?

Absolutely! Addressing the underlying issues behind emotional eating prior to bariatric surgery has been proven to increase the long-term success rates of weight-loss surgery.

Is the EEIOP a weight-loss program or diet?

No. However our EEIOP often helps people remove the emotional barriers that have prohibited long-term weight loss. Our is a “non-diet” approach to overall emotional and physical health. Our full EEIOP philosophy can be found here.

Is the EEIOP covered by insurance?

Insurance plans vary greatly, but generally speaking, if your health insurance includes coverage for mental health, it likely will cover our IOP. Our administrative staff are experts at helping you understand your coverage and are happy to answer your insurance questions. We accept all major commercial insurances for eating disorder IOPs. We also accept some insurance plans for our General Mental Health IOP. We also accept BlueCross/BlueShield Arizona and Aetna for individual counseling and nutrition services.

Where is Healthy Futures Located?

Let’s Get Started Today

Begin your path to recovery with a simple step forward.  We’re ready to listen.
