Your journey to recovery: Rediscovering yourself

August 23, 2016

Man hiking in the woods

As with any type of disorder or disease, in order to recover from an eating disorder, you first have to admit there is a problem. That can be really, really tough. But you can do it. Professional treatment plans and eating disorder recovery programs can help you understand that the little bulimia whispers in your ear… are actually lies. The truth is that self-esteem and happiness come from loving the person you are – loving yourself for who you are, not changing into someone you’re not.  Escaping Bulimia is within your grasp – reach out and let those who know about this disorder help.

Facts About Recovery

True eating disorder recovery becomes possible when you realize that you can unlearn the behaviors that Bulimia has taught you. You start by asking for help. But that’s just the beginning. True recovery will allow you to rediscover yourself – your whole self – it’s more than being about eating habits and behaviors, how much you weigh, or the outward physical appearance you see when you look in a mirror. It’s about re-discovering YOU – all of you, who you are, and who you want to be. Six tips to getting there are:

  • Listen to your body; really listen
  • Accept yourself for who you ARE – a wonderful human being
  • Trust yourself; believe in yourself
  • Listen to your feelings; don’t ignore them
  • Love yourself; yes, you can do it!
  • Enjoy life again – the ultimate satisfaction when you overcome an eating

Recovery Steps

As stated above, you must recognize you have a problem. Here is a quick 3 step guide.

Step 1: Ask for help.  This can be difficult, scary, and embarrassing but you have to start somewhere. Talk to a trusted family member, friend, pastor or minister, school counselor, or work colleague.  Or you can search for an eating disorder specialist online.

Step 2: Find a treatment center/eating disorder specialist that you can work with and who is willing to work with you. You can look online for eating disorder treatment centers.

Step 3: Commit to a treatment plan and follow through. Eating disorder support groups can be essential.

More on Helping Strategies

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