The world is judgmental. It would be great if people didn’t judge others on seemingly every little thing. It would even be better if everyone liked everyone else, but sadly this in not the case.

If you struggle with unhealthy behaviors, try a different technique. Imagine you have an itch. Feeling that itch now? Now, don’t scratch it! Instead, pause and think about it. Observe and describe the itch.

We know that loneliness depletes the immune system and is not beneficial to our long-term mental health. The simple way to combat loneliness is with kindness that connects us to our self and to others in a beneficial way.

Emotions and behaviors go together.  Feel fear, take flight.  Feel angry, put up a fight.  This works great to regulate our emotions when our emotions are justified.  The cycle is complete and we come back to a balance. But, what do we do when we feel an emotion like fear, and there is no threat?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a great way to help clients cope with different issues.  And, at its core is mindfulness, staying present.  This is where we can stay focused and control our thoughts and feelings.

When appropriate, Bariatric surgery is a great tool for achieving weight loss. But, we’ve all heard how so many have “put all that weight back on” after surgery.

I’m going to help you rebalance your day, or give you a tool to rebalance your day, for eating and your blood sugar level. It’s called “Four Questions.”

At Healthy Futures, every client is assessed and an individual treatment plan is created. Depending on the level of care needed, some clients may need outpatient services from our team of professionals one to two times a week.

Do you sometimes find yourself at the refrigerator door at unusual times?  Do you have a hard time stopping after one cookie or half the bag?  Ever notice that you eat a bigger meal after a hard day at work?

Ilene Smith, an expert with the Eating Disorder Resource Center and consultant to Healthy Futures, gets right to the point at why “Yo-Yo Dieting” doesn’t succeed over the long term. You might lose the weight for a few years but it always comes back.